Askja frá Kílhrauni
Askja is born in 2006. Her parents are Harpa frá Kílhrauni (7,78) and Straumur frá Sauðárkróki (8,37). Askja is chestnut with beautiful mane and very pretty. Working with Askja is fulfilling, with her good spirit, curiosity and awareness.
Askja was supposed to go to breeding assessment during the summer in 2010, but she got very sick from the „hestapest“ and needed a long time to recover. She went to the assessment in the summer 2012. She is a five gaiter with even and good gaits.

Askja sumar 2009 – 3ja vetra
Askja got her breeding assessment in June 2012. The rider was Guðmann Unnsteinsson from Langholtskot. We were very pleased that she got first price for conformation and ridden abilities. The result was even more pleasant because Askja is our first horse from our breeding who goes to breeding assessment.
Askja also did well on the competition field. She got 8,44 in Gæðingakeppni, A – Class and 6,76 in five gait. Askja has finished her competition and start a carrier in breeding at Kílhraun.
Year | Name | Father |
2015 | Freyr frá Kílhrauni | _Ölnir frá Akranesi |
Conformation | Score | Ridden abilities | Score |
Head | 8.5 | Tölt | 8 |
Neck-Withers-Shoulders | 8.5 | Trott | 8 |
Back and Croup | 9 | Pace | 8 |
Proportions | 8 | Gallop | 8 |
Legs | 7 | Spirit | 8.5 |
Joints | 7.5 | General impression | 8 |
Hooves | 8 | Walk | 9 |
Mane and Tail | 8 | ||
Conformation | 8.05 | Rideability | 8.14 |
Slow tölt | 7.5 | Canter | 7.5 |
Total | 8.11 |
HÆ hæ Kílhraun mikið óskaplega er þessi hryssa hún Askja falleg með svo fallegan svip og glaðlegt auga.’Eg hlakka til að fylgjast með henni.´’Eg trúi ekki öðru en þarna sé á ferðinni efnilegt tryppi´.
Kv. KK Réttarholti