Foals at Kílhraun 2016
As usual a few foals are born at Kílhraun, every year. This summer four foals were born and of course each and everyone is a beauty.
June 2. Sunna frá Ögri had a bay horse. His father is Hljómur frá Kílhrauni. The newborn got his name Byr frá Ögri. June 12. Blíða frá Ljótunnarstöðum had a black horse, which father is Fursti frá Kílhrauni.

Byr frá Ögri
July 2. the two last foals were born. Spá frá Skíðbakka 1 had a bay mare. Her father is Jarl frá Árbæjarhjáleigu. Our Askja frá Kílhrauni, also had a bay mare and her father is Hrafnar frá Auðsholtshjáleigu.

Black horse from Blíða frá Ljótunnarstöðum og Fursti frá Kílhrauni

Bay mare, offspring from Spá frá Skíðbakka 1 and Jarl frá Árbæjarhjáleigu
All the mares are leaving to have a date with stallions and we collect them again when the summer is over.
Then we start to look forward to the next summer.

Frigg frá Kílhrauni